Fragrances Parfums senteurs | Fragrances perfumes scents |
abricot | apricot |
après la tempête- orage | after the storm |
amande | almond |
coco amande | almond coco |
lait d'amande | almond milk |
aloe & concombre | aloe & cucumber |
aloe vera | aloe vera |
forêt amazonienne | amazon forest |
ambre | amber |
ambre vanille fruité | amber vanilla fruity |
anis | anise |
pomme | apple |
pomme cannelle | apple cinnamon |
compote de pomme | apple compote |
tarte aux pommes | apple pie |
argan | argan |
argan ambre | argan amber |
asphalte | asphalt |
babe | baby |
bebe powder | baby poufre |
pomme cuisinée | baked apple |
bakelite | bakelite |
bambou | bamboo |
banane | banana |
baobab | baobab |
barbade | barbados |
barbecue | barbecue |
linge de lit | bed linen |
bière | beer |
bergamote | bergamot |
amande amere | bitter almond |
dakar noir | black dakar |
black power | black power |
la mûre | blackberry |
orange sanguine | blood orange |
bleu metal | blue metal |
myrtille | blueberry |
muffin aux myrtilles | blueberry muffin |
marron | brown |
bubble gum | bubble gum |
bois brûlé | burnt wood |
gateau | cake |
bonbons | candy |
sucre d'orge | candy cane |
barbe à papa | candy floss |
cannabis | cannabis |
cappucino | cappucino |
caramel | caramel |
carotte | carrot |
cassis | cassis |
cèdre | cedar |
cedrat | cedrat |
champagne | champagne |
champaka ambiance | champaka |
cerise | cherry |
cerise griotte | cherry |
cerise amaretto | cherry amaretto |
fleurs cerisier | cherry blowers |
chataîgne | chesnut |
chocolat | chocolate |
pain au chocolat | chocolate bread |
cookie aux pépites de chocolat | chocolate chip cookie |
épices de noël | christmas spices |
acier chromé | chrome steel |
chypres | chypres |
cannelle orange anisee | cinnamom orange anise |
cannelle | cinnamon |
agrumes | citrus |
clou de girofle | clove |
clubbing | clubbing |
amande coco | coco almond |
lait de coco | coco milk |
coco vanille | coco vanilla |
cacao | cocoa |
coco | coconut |
noix de coco | coconut |
vanille de coco | coconut vanilla |
café | coffee |
cola | cola |
fleur de coton | cotton flower |
années folles | crazy years |
concombre | cucumber |
cumin | cumin |
cupcake | cupcake |
herbe coupée | cut grass |
marguerite | daisy |
argan desert dakar | dakar argan desert |
pissenlit | dandelion |
chocolat noir | dark chocolate |
desert | desert |
desert dakar | desert dakar |
lumiere tamisée | dim light |
encens divin | divine incense |
thé earl grey | earl grey tea |
extase | ecstasy |
edelweiss | edelweiss |
boisson énergisante | energy drink |
energy drink | energy drink |
eucalyptus | eucalyptus |
cocktail exotique | exotic cocktail |
fruits exotiques | exotic fruit |
explosion essences | explosion senses |
cafe expresso | expresso coffee |
fougère | fern |
feu de terrain | field fire |
figue | fig |
figuier | fig tree |
sapin | fir |
cheminée | fireplace |
fleurs et fruits | flower and fruit |
bouquet de fleurs | flowery bouquet |
fraise fleurie | flowery strawberry |
forêt | forest |
feu de forêt | forest fire |
frangipanier | frangipani |
encens | frankincense |
freesia | freesia |
linge frais | fresh linen |
tangerine fraiche | fresh tangerine |
herbe fraîchement coupée | freshly cut grass |
fruits givrés | frosted fruit |
fruité vanille ambre | fruity vanilla amber |
garage | garage |
gardénia | gardenia |
geranium | geranium |
gingembre | ginger |
pain d'epice | gingerbread |
acier d'or | gold steel |
cannelle gourmande | gourmet cinnamon |
raisin | grape |
pamplemousse | grapefruit |
pomme verte | green apple |
thé vert | green tea |
céréales grillées | grilled cereals |
goyave | guava |
hamburger | hamburger |
noisette | hazelnut |
chanvre | hemp |
hibiscus | hibiscus |
miel & avoine | honey & oatmeal |
chèvrefeuille | honeysuckle |
cheval | horse |
chocolat chaud | hot cocoa |
jacinthe | hyacinth |
immortel | immortal |
encens boisé | incense wood |
parfum des indes | indies perfume |
épice jamaïque | jamaican spice |
jasmin | jasmine |
fleur de jasmin | jasmine flower |
jasmin en fleurs | jasmine in bloom |
vanille jasmine | jasmine vanilla |
dragée | jellybean |
parfum joallier | joallier perfume |
kiwi fruit | kiwi fruit |
labdanum | labdanum |
smoothie lacté | lacted smoothie |
détergent lessive | landry detergent |
lessive | laundry soap |
lavande | lavander |
lavandin | lavandin |
cuir | leather |
citron | lemon |
fleur de citron | lemon blossom |
orange citron | lemon orange |
tarde citron | lemon pie |
citronnelle | lemongrass |
citron vert | lemon-lime |
lilas | lilac |
muguet | lily of the valley |
fleur de tilleul | lime blossom |
tilleuil | linden |
fleur de lin | line flower |
reglisse | liquorice |
litchie | litchie |
fleur de lotus | lotus flower |
lotus | lotus flower |
pomme d'amour | love apple |
madeleine pur beurre | madeleine pure butter |
mangue | mango |
margarita | margarita |
marine | marine |
algues marines | marine seaweed |
épices marocaines | maroccan spices |
mélisse | melissa |
melon | melon |
chocolat fondant | melting chocolate |
mimosa | mimosa |
mimosa | mimosa flowers |
menthe | mint |
menthe eucalyptus | mint eucalyptus |
thé à la menthe | mint flavored tea |
menthe typ hollywood | mint hollywood |
mirabelle | mirabelle |
mojito | mojito |
métal en fusion | molten metal |
monoi | monoi |
monoi aqua | monoi aqua |
monoi plein soleil | monoi full sun |
vin chaud | mulled wine |
musc | musk |
nenuphar | nenuphar |
neroli | neroli |
voiture neuve | new car |
cuir nuit | night leather |
nirvana | nirvana |
la mer du nord | north sea |
muscade | nutmeg |
des noisettes | nuts |
avoine | oatmeal |
orange | orange |
orange et cannelle | orange & cinnamon |
fleur d'oranger | orange blossom |
chocolat orange | orange chocolate |
oranger fleurs | orange flowers |
orchidée | orchid |
miel oriental | oriental honey |
osmanthus | osmanthus |
oud | oud |
papaye | papaya |
papaye mangue | papaya mango |
fruit de la passion | passion fruit |
passion orchidée tigrée | passion tiger orchid |
patchouli | patchouli |
patchouli & rose | patchouli& rose |
peche | peach |
abricot de pêche | peach apricot |
peche abricot | peach apricot |
fleur de pêche | peach blossom |
poire | pear |
noix de pecan | pecan nuts |
tarte aux noix de pécan | pecan pie |
menthe poivrée | peppermint |
petitgrain | petitgrain |
pina colada | pina colada |
pin | pine |
forêt de pins | pine forest |
épices de pin | pine spice |
ananas | pineapple |
rose | pink |
vent polaire | polar wind |
grenade & poire | pomegranate fruits and pear |
herbes provencales | provencal herbs |
iris violette | purple iris |
forêt tropicale | rainforest |
framboise | raspberry |
fruits rouges | red fruit |
fruits rouges printemps | red fruit spring |
relax | relax |
rhum | rhum |
poudre de riz | rice powder |
rose du jardin | rose garden |
rose geranium | rose geranium |
petale de rose | rose petals |
eau de rose | rose water |
romarin | rosemary |
bois de rose | rosewood |
safran | saffron |
bois de santal | sandalwood |
santal | sandalwood |
savane | savannah |
mer salée | sea salt |
embruns marins | sea spray |
mer embruns | sea spray |
spray de mer | sea spray |
soho | soho |
monoi solaire | soursop |
mer du sud | south sea |
speculos | speculos |
épices | spices |
épicé ambre | spicy amber |
rose epicée | spicy rose |
printemps | spring |
ambre epicé | spycy amber |
fraise | strawberry |
fraison bonbons | strawberry candy |
miel sucré | sugar honey |
surfing bay | surfing bay |
rhum doux | sweet rum |
tabac | tabacco |
mandarine | tangerine |
thé | tea |
thé fleur | tea flower |
heure du the | the time |
thuja wood | thuja wood |
tiare fleurs | tiare flower |
bambou tibetain | tibetan bamboo |
feve tonka | tonka feve |
tropical | tropical |
seve des tropiques | tropical sap |
tulipe | tulip |
tutti frutti | tutti frutti |
vanille | vanilla |
vanille ambre | vanilla amber |
vanille de l'ile | vanilla from the island |
soupe aux légumes | vegetable soup |
verveine | verbena |
vetiver | vetyver |
viennoiserie | viennoiserie |
violette | violet |
or volcanique | volcanic gold |
pastèque | watermelon |
bois ciré | waxed wood |
arôme blanc | white aroma |
chocolat blanc | white chocolate |
lys blanc | white lily |
musc blanc | white musc |
santal blanc | white sandalwood |
wil musk | wil musk |
argan sauvage | wild argan |
wild linden | wild linden |
musc sauvage | wild musk |
fraise des bois | wild strawberry |
wisky | wisky |
bois | wood |
armoise | wormwood |
ylang | ylang |
yucca | yucca |